New Leaf Bodyworks
Freedom and Restoration
Creative Visioning


Creative Visioning



Why You Want to Create A Vision Board and How to Make It Work for You!

I.  WHY:    

1. Vision boards help you to picture your dreams.   The majority of us learn and remember best through pictures.   

2. Vision boards help you get unstuck, by putting you back in touch with your creativity.  The subconscious and unconscious appears to be more associated with the right half, the creative side of the brain.  Just picking out pictures can stimulate new awareness and ideas.  

3. Vision boards provide you a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals.  When you see something that inspires you on a daily basis, you stay on track.

4. Vision boards connect you with passion, which puts you in the right frame of mind to attract what you need to achieve your dreams.  

5. Vision boards are a fun and stress-free way to motivate action.

The power of a vision board comes in its ability to motivate you to do the work that is required to make the things on it a reality.  It helps you to manifest, activating the reticular activating system of the brain so that your mind guides you to the things you want as you imagine your life like the board.

II.  What you will need:  

Just randomly select and collect lots of images from magazines, downloads, pictures of you, etc.  Pictures of how you want to live, what you would like to do, who you want to be with, and anything that appeals.  I use big patches of sea and sky because I love the space of both.  Symbols are nice - like hearts, stars, lovers, money, cars, ...Along with the images collect phrases and words that appeal and define your dream.  Words like Success, Freedom, beach-house, rock-star, beauty, peace, healthy, etc.  Dare to be Great, Uniquely Beautiful, Ready to Retire.  Images of people who you want to emulate or live their lifestyle are inspiriational .

You will also need: 

  1. Some kind of board, white or colored paper poster, but even a flattened box will do. 
  2. There are downloadable templates for the incredibly organized if you are so inclined. 
  3. Scissors. 
  4. Adhesive, I prefer glue sticks, and stickers are also nice. 
  5. Markers, glitter pens,
  6. Ribbons, paper shapes, whatever you choose.  

You can make this a work of art kind of collage if you like, just remember that the point of the vision board is to create something that inspires you.  When it is time to put things together, if a picture makes you feel melancholy, or jealous, or think of what you do not have, don't use it!  

Now the visualization:  

Write or think of your ideal life in 5 years.  See yourself doing only what you love.  Who are you with?  How are you spending your time?    Where do you live - in what country?  What does your home look like?  How do you get around?  What is your income?  Are you famous?  What about your life do you most enjoy in this future of yours?  The more details you can come up with here, the more real this dream becomes for you.  And now the key:  What emotions does this dream conjure?  In other words, as I have all of this I feel_____________.  

Sink into this dream and these emotions as deeply as you can as if you were experiencing all of this now.  Allow the mind and body time to soak it in, knowing that the brain and body goes by feeling - you get the same happy hormonal response whether you are dreaming or living your dream.  

Now that you are flooded with happy emotions, open your eyes and begin to create your board.  This board is fluid, it can be added to anytime.  I like to piece my favorite pictures together before adding glue.  The board can be themed for career, personal, relationships, vacations, anything you like, or it can be general for anything that appeals.  Some people have created their next house down to the details on their board.  I once attracted a wild, romantic relationship in no time, with a themed vision board that had the words, wild and romance on it, along with similar images!  

It is always fun to create your board together with groups so that you inspire each other - its ok to copy another's idea, your board will still be unique to you, trust me!  You can insert your face onto the body of a supermodel for your dream.  Or place yourself on a yacht.  

How does it feel to look at your board?  Do you feel expanded or contracted?  When you verbally share the meaning or components of your board, it inspires others and anchors it to make it more real for you.  Afterall, our future is unknown, so anything we think about it is made up anyway; so why not make up something that feels good!

Last but certainly not least, thank yourself for giving this time to you.  Now, what affirmations would fit your board.  For my romance board, I affirmed:   I am attracting romantic love into my life.  May I suggest a few?  

I enjoy my healthy, fit body everyday. 

I love living with the partner of my dreams.

I am happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise. 

I am so grateful to support a charity that helps all these animals.  

I graciously receive $100,000 or more in income.  



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